Saturday, October 13, 2007

I recieved one of the best things today...

A banana box filled to overflowing with my civilian clothes, laptop, shoes, camera and most of mp3 player. My cup is fill.
Except for the fact that I got a horrible haircut today and I'm glad you can't see me.


Anonymous said...

P.S. well good to hear you have your compy, maybe we'll be hearing from you a lot on here.
P.P.S. you mean you still need to keep your hair short? oh well:-)

Oh yes crisp clear and beautiful... though not cool...which was "cool" because we didn't need to bundle up or anything

Andrew said...

Yes, I need to do the whole mandatory hair length thing.There are about 100 specifications to it.
I'm growing it out once I get out though.

Anonymous said...

To me you look great even with a horrible haircut! But I'm your mom. Love you!!!

Andrew said...

I love you too Mom.